740.0011 European War 1939/6393: Telegram

The Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (White) to the Secretary of State

47. The following statements emanate from French official source [regarding?] the instructions covering Weygand’s mission to Africa: Defence of French colonial possessions particularly Tunisia, Morocco, and Senegal from any aggressor; consolidation (presumably psychological) of those regions; and the maintenance of their loyalty to Vichy. The General is unable to entertain any proposals of an aggressive nature at the present time. (Note this confirms all my previous impressions, namely, that the French authorities in this part of the world are not taking any risks until it is perfectly safe to do so.)

The French Consulate General is so far not disposed to protest against the most [apparent omission] expansion of Spanish protection here.83

[Page 611]

Negotiations between France and Spain were initiated several weeks ago in regard to insignificant boundary rectifications of the two zones, maintaining the international status of Tangier, the Sultan’s local agent or Mendub to be appointed by Caliph at Tetuan instead of by His Majesty at Rabat, see Article 29 of Statute of Tangier.84 I cannot believe that the Spaniards will now be satisfied with such slight territorial acquisitions.

From various sources I hear that rumors of widespread dissatisfaction among Spanish officers in Morocco at the thought of Suñer dragging their country into the war.

  1. Spanish occupation of the International Zone of Tangier; see vol. iii , section under Morocco entitled “Spanish occupation and control of the Tangier Zone …”
  2. Convention signed at Paris, December 18, 1923, League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. xxviii, p. 541.