
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)

Mr. Welles: Our suggested agenda for the Habana Meeting was handed to Dr. Rowe yesterday afternoon. Dr. Rowe will distribute it to the members of the program committee, which will meet tomorrow morning prior to the meeting of the Governing Board. The program committee consists of the representatives of Cuba (Chairman), Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador and Paraguay.

A Cuban proposal for the agenda has been circulated to the program committee; it would be helpful if you would telephone the Cuban Ambassador and tell him that our proposal was drafted after we had had the benefit of his views in the matter and that our draft can, we hope, be considered as, in a sense, a joint proposal.

Our proposed agenda includes the paragraph relative to the Red Cross which, I understand, you will discuss with Mr. Davis.37

At the meeting of the Governing Board tomorrow morning, Dr. Rowe plans to bring up the desirability of extending an invitation to the Inter-American Neutrality Committee and the Financial and Economic Advisory Committee to have a representative each at Habana. We favor this idea.

Laurence Duggan
  1. Norman H. Davis, Chairman of the American Red Cross.