860D.6359 International Nickel Company/28: Telegram

The Minister in Finland (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State

71. My telegram No. 55, February 25.38 Minister of Foreign Affairs informed me today that Fieandt Delegation and Finnish Minister there have returned from Moscow negotiations regarding deliveries from Russia under trade agreement and regarding Petsamo nickel question being still in suspense. He said Russians were taking position that pending acceptance by Finnish Government of Soviet control of Chinese [Petsamo] mines, deliveries under trade agreement would not be forthcoming. Paasikivi will continue conversations with Molotov upon his return to Moscow shortly. Witting did not seem especially concerned, however, intimating that Russians remain preoccupied with developments in other areas than Finland. He indicated also that Finnish Government is not now disposed to change its position regarding control of nickel mines.

  1. Not printed.