311.6121 Gorin, M. N./42¾

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Long)

As suggested, I talked with Congressman Dies this afternoon about the Michael Gorin case. He agreed to the arrangement to commute his sentence on condition he leave the United States and with the idea that out of it would develop the pardon in Russia of the American citizens Pyk and Rosinski [Roszkowski] and their repatriation and also the repatriation of Devenis with the possibility of obtaining permission [Page 940] to proceed to the United States for five or six wives of American citizens the husbands of whom are now in this country.

The Congressman said he not only approved of it but that in case any criticism was made on the floor he would be glad to defend the action taken at the instigation of the Department of State.

B[reckinridge] L[ong]