740.00112A European War, 1939/2893: Telegram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

1550. The Minister for Foreign Affairs told me last night that he is constantly receiving protests against the Proclaimed List and that enemies of the United States and the Vargas Administration are saying that “the Americans are interfering in the internal affairs of Brazil and are trespassing on the rights of the Brazilian Government.”

The Minister strongly objects to the publication of the Proclaimed List and says that although he has always refused to support proposals to protest against the list (my telegram 1392, September 29, 10 p.m.28), opposition is becoming so strong that unless we discontinue the publication of it, the Brazilian Government may be forced to express its disapproval. (I believe Aranha is bluffing.)

I have pointed out to the Minister that the work we are doing is in the interest of Brazil as well as of the United States and, although he appreciates this point, he is disturbed over the number of protests he is receiving, which he feels would be considerably reduced if we were to cease publication of changes in the list.

The Minister again said “How can you expect us to acknowledge your list when you do not blacklist undesirable firms in the United States?”

I repeat that I am endeavoring to pacify Aranha on this; but not with much success thus far.

  1. Not printed.