
Memorandum by Captain Roscoe E. Schuirmann of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

The following was received from the Naval Attaché Chungking:

A significant improvement in relations between Sinkiang and the Central Government is indicated. The Governor of Sinkiang15 has supplied the Sino Air Corps Chief16 with data on all airfields in his province and assured latter of welcome to inspect and use same for transit of war supplies. The approval of the U.S.S.R. is also implied. General Mao expects to leave here soon for a detailed survey including the possibility of an air route from Yarkaudin to Northern India.

R. E. Schuirmann
  1. Gen. Sheng Shih-tsai.
  2. Gen. P. T. Mow (Mao Pang-chu), field commander of the Chinese Air Force.