
Memorandum by the Chief of the Special Division (Green) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Long)

Mr. Long: The Swiss Minister called upon me this morning by appointment to present Mr. Walter de Bourg, who has just joined the staff of the Swiss Legation and who will be in charge of German and Italian interests.

The Minister referred to his recent conversation with you in regard to the recalcitrant attitude of the Axis officials on the West Coast of South America. He said that he had been informed that an American vessel would call at Arica on or about March 20 and at other West Coast ports shortly thereafter to embark these officials in order to bring them to the United States. He added that he was informing his Government of this fact in order that it might urge the German and Italian Governments to reverse their position in regard to the repatriation of these officials from the West Coast via the United States.

Joseph C. Green