740.0011 European War 1939/19894

The Acting Secretary of State to the Irish Minister (Brennan)

Sir: I refer to our conversation of February 6, 1942 at which time you handed me the text of the statement made by Mr. de Valera in Dublin on January 27, last.

I have discussed this matter with the President who now requests that the following be cabled as a personal message from him to Mr. de Valera:

[Page 759]

“I have received, through Mr. Brennan, Irish Minister in Washington, the text of your statement on January 27, last, following the arrival of American troops in the British Isles.

“The decision to dispatch troops to the British Isles was reached in close consultation with the British Government as part of our strategic plan to defeat the Axis aggressors. There was not, and is not now, the slightest thought or intention of invading Irish territory or threatening Irish security. Far from constituting a threat to Ireland, the presence of these troops in neighboring territory can only contribute to the security of Ireland and of the whole British Isles, as well as furthering our total war effort.

“I have rioted in your previous statements expressions of gratitude for the long interest of the United States in Irish freedom. The special ties of blood and friendship between our two countries are recognized here no less than in Ireland and have never left us unconcerned with the problems and fate of Ireland.

“At some future date when Axis aggression has been crushed by the military might of free peoples, the nations of the earth must gather about a peace table to plan the future world on foundations of liberty and justice everywhere. I think it only right that I make plain at this time that when that time comes the Irish Government in its own best interest should not stand alone but should be associated with its traditional friends, and, among them, the United States of America.”

Accept [etc.]

Sumner Welles