740.00119 European War 1939/945: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

1225. Following from Tittmann.

49, March 23. Possibility of a negotiated peace between Hitler and Stalin before the summer is out is how a sign frequently heard of in [Page 433] Vatican circles. This talk seems to be based on Hitler’s infinite capacity for double dealing, a sensation that the Russians will soon become discouraged after the German onslaught begins and fact that a skillful Japanese statesman has been sent to Moscow ostensibly it is said as Ambassador but in reality in order to be on hand as mediator when the moment to discuss peace arrives.

I protest vigorously when I hear such talk as this and point out that matters have now gone too far for anything like a deal between the Germans and the Russians. I add that short of complete military collapse Stalin could not agree to any sort of peace with Russian territory still in German hands and I urge that the subject be dismissed as part of the German war of nerves. [Tittmann.]
