810.74/464c: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)

1031. At a meeting on September 9 in the Department with representatives of the Radio Corporation of America, the following decisions were taken:

RCA will immediately instruct its representatives on the Board of Directors of Transradio Chilena to take action immediately at a meeting of the Board to have the company discontinue its circuits with the Axis on its own initiative.
The Department is communicating immediately with the British Government with a view to having the representatives of Cable and Wireless on the Board of Directors receive identical instructions.

Similar action will be taken immediately with regard to the Axis circuits maintained by the Consortium Company in Argentina.

While the action outlined above will not be taken in the name of this Government or ostensibly on its initiative, you should inform the President that it is contemplated and that you assume, in view of the conversation with him reported in your 1421, September 3, 7 p.m., that he will have no objection to it. If, however, it appears to you that informing the President in this sense may prejudice a good prospect that the Chilean Government will cut the circuits promptly of its own accord, you should so inform the Department immediately and await further instructions before approaching the President in the sense indicated above.
