810.74/460: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

1469. For Secretary and Under Secretary. Your 1031, September 10, 7 p.m. When Davis was here and I asked Barros Jarpa if Chile [Page 147] would raise objections if the RCA itself cut off telecommunications with Axis countries, he immediately replied in the negative, expressing a certain satisfaction. He then qualified by saying he could conceive of nothing like opposition from Chile, but if it came up he would have to study the question to see but thought it would not be opposed here. This information I gave General Davis the same day.

In my telegram 1421, September 3, 7 p.m., I reported statement of President Ríos to effect he would shut down telecommunications with the Axis if being used against the safety of American nations; and his suggestion that the Transradio Chilena refuse messages for Axis countries and see what would happen; the implication being that the Axis Missions would protest and the Government do nothing about it.

My note asking the closing of telecommunication with Axis countries was handed Barros Jarpa at 5 o’clock, September 8. He promised an early reply. He was busy all day Thursday with Senate. Suggest that I inquire tomorrow if answer is ready, and if not ready Monday that I inform him that RCA will act and remind him that he had expressed some satisfaction with this procedure. Assume British Government will issue similar instructions to its representatives on board of directors but should we not first know if such are being sent.

Since only 2 or 3 days should determine whether Chile will close telecommunications on its own with the Axis countries, am persuaded nothing as an alternative should be suggested before it has time to act.
