810.74/506a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)

1473. Your 1891, September 30, 4 p.m.82

The Department had understood that at the time of General Davis’ visit, general agreement had been reached that Hayes should be appointed manager. Consequently, it does not understand what difficulties have apparently arisen or why his appointment should in any way be contingent on the issuance of the decree providing for official observers. Please clarify this point.
Department advised by Winterbottom, Vice President, RCA, that in a telephone conversation with Dr. Becu83 on September 30 latter who at that time was in Los Angeles stated that he could not understand why Hayes had not already been appointed manager on Friday. He added that he would send a personal telegram to the president of Transradio to the effect that he was entirely satisfied with Hayes, was in favor of his appointment and that he saw no reason for the delay of such appointment pending his return to Buenos Aires.
The Department feels that the objective of cutting the circuits would be jeopardized by informing the Argentine authorities in advance. There appears to be no reason to believe that the permission of the Argentine Government, which Roberts84 suggests be requested in advance, would be forthcoming. The Department feels that the objective should now be pursued without delay and consequently does not favor any postponement of consideration of this matter by the board, unless it is certain that a majority of the board in favor of closure can not be secured.
All communication companies in Buenos Aires maintaining direct circuits with the Axis have received the necessary instructions. There are only two such companies, namely, Transradio and CIDRA, the I. T. & T. subsidiary. The instructions referred to are contained in the Department’s airgrams A–16982 and A–170 of September 1885 which should have reached you by now.
The Department believes it essential to treat this entire matter on a strictly confidential basis, so that interests in Argentina opposed to closure of the circuits will not be informed in advance of these plans.

Please repeat to Santiago as No. 1155.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Teodoro Becu, official of Transradio Internacional.
  3. British representative on the Board of Transradio Internacional.
  4. Not printed.
  5. See footnote 72, p. 149.