740.0011 EW/8–243

The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the Secretary of State


Memorandum for Secretary Hull

Attached hereto is a draft of the essential conditions which the War Department believes should be imposed in order that Rome may be considered an open city.

I assume that you will take this matter up with the British.

G C Marshall

Draft Message to the Italian Government

Proposed Message to the Italian Government With Reference to the Essential Conditions, From the Viewpoint or the War Department, Required From the Italians If Rome Is To Be Declared an Open City1

The Governments of the United States and Great Britain will recognize the city of Rome as an open city when the following essential [Page 531] requirements respecting Rome and its immediate surroundings are met by the Italian Government:

All agencies of the Italian Government directly concerned in the conduct of the war will be immediately removed.
All armed forces, Naval, Air and Ground, of the Italian, German and associated governments will be immediately removed.
The communication system of Rome, including railroads, roads, airways, and waterways passing through or entering Rome will not be used for the passage of military forces or movement of military supplies of any of the Axis Powers.
All military and civilian use of airfields in Rome and its immediate surroundings will cease.
The industrial plants in Rome engaged primarily in the production of supplies for the Axis Armed Forces, Naval, Air ‘and Ground, will cease production.2 Plants engaged in the storage, maintenance and repair of any military supplies will also cease operations.
The steps listed above will be accomplished not later than 7 days after the acceptance by the Italian Government of these conditions.
The Italian Government will notify the United States Government3 when the measures listed herein have been effected. The Italian Government will permit inspection, by representatives of a neutral government acting for the United States and Great Britain, to determine compliance.

None of the provisions given herein apply to the Vatican City State.

  1. A copy of these conditions, without this heading, was forwarded to Roosevelt, who was then at Birch Island, in telegram No. White 25 of August 2, 1943, by the White House Map Room (Roosevelt Papers). A copy was given to the British Embassy at Washington on the same date.
  2. In the source text, the word “primarily” has been deleted by hand and the end of the sentence changed to read: “will cease such production,” These changes were not made, however, in the text forwarded to Roosevelt.
  3. In the source text this passage has been changed by hand to read: “notify the United States and British Governments”. The text forwarded to Roosevelt read: “notify the United States and the British Government”.