740.00112 European War 1939/9043: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

5165. For Department and Stone and Canfield OEW from Riefler. Reference Department’s 4694, August 3, 9 p.m., and Embassy’s 5104, August 5, 7 p.m.87 The text of the aide-mémoire under discussion in reference telegrams is no longer relevant in view of the formal announcement from Stockholm of impending stoppage of transit traffic. Foreign Office, MEW and Embassy all feel that the best procedure now would be for Foot and Riefler to present a simple aide-mémoire to Prytz stating that we now expect the Swedes to sign the economic agreement in accordance with the drafts previously worked out. Should the Swedes fail to come to terms, or should they offer substantial amendments, it is suggested a more serious attitude should be taken, including a very direct message from a higher level, probably from the Foreign Secretary and Ambassador Winant, and possibly revocation of navicerts or diversion of ships at the Faroes. None of us feel at present that these pressures will be necessary since the Swedes seem to be living up in all particulars to the spirit of the draft declarations.

Foreign Office, MEW and Embassy have agreed (subject to Department concurrence) on the following text of the aide-mémoire to be presented to Prytz by Foot and Riefler. Department and OEW undoubtedly understand the urgency of the situation. We would like to present the aide-mémoire as early next week as possible.

[Here follows text which, with some changes later suggested by the Department, is substantially the same as the text submitted on August 9; see telegram No. 5232, August 9, 11 p.m., from the Ambassador in the United Kingdom, printed on page 800.]

  1. Neither printed.