
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)

The Yugoslav Ambassador came in to see me, at his request.

He mentioned to me a point he had already made to Mr. Cannon.87 Forty Yugoslav aviators have been in training here to serve in flight units. They finish their training on August 10th. The liaison officer of O.S.S.88 (Mr. Kimbel) came to the Ambassador with a letter from General Donovan89 offering commissions in the American Army to these men. The Ambassador said they appreciated the compliment of being offered commissions; but that the whole intent of the arrangement was that these men should serve as a Yugoslav unit, though of course under the American command.

I said I noted that Mr. Cannon already had the matter in hand, though I would be glad to follow up.

A[dolf] A. B[erle], Jr.
  1. Cavendish W. Cannon of the Division of European Affairs.
  2. Office of Strategic Services.
  3. William J. Donovan, Director of the Office of Strategic Services.