
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State

The Soviet Chargé d’Affaires9 called at his request and handed me a document entitled “The Proposed Third Protocol” (copy attached).10

I said that I would take the matter up with the appropriate officials who are handling the entire supply question and urge early and favorable action. I suggested that his technical people here might desire to take this up with our technical people in charge of this matter. The Chargé said he would notify them that they might do so.

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The Chargé said that Mr. Litvinov was at home resting the last he had heard. He spoke as though he were planning to return here at some later time.11

C[ordell] H[ull]
  1. A. A. Gromyko.
  2. Not printed; copy of the document is filed separately under 861.24/1393. The Soviet request for changes in the proposed Protocol included the following: To raise the total tonnage of supplies for 1943–44 from 4,500,000 short tons to 6,000,000 short tons; to modify somewhat the overall loads to be carried across the various sea lanes; to supply certain kinds of naval vessels; and to make some textual changes with regard to shipping commitments so as to anticipate unforeseen changes in those commitments resulting from technical or other difficulties.
  3. For circumstances surrounding Ambassador Litvinov’s absence from Washington, see memorandum by the Under Secretary of State, May 7, p. 522.