701.0090/1681: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

1739. Your 4010, 7th, and 4269, 19th.52 As stated in its 2367 of October 14, 194253 Department maintains its position that all American civilians from Guam who, surprised in their normal civilian activities, are innocent civilian victims of the war and Who are now enforced non-permanent residents of Japan, are eligible for exchange. It is hoped that some at least of these persons, particularly the infirm, may be included in second exchange, but all of those whose repatriation at this time may not be feasible should be accommodated in following exchange.

Pending their repatriation Department will appreciate Swiss Minister Tokyo’s efforts to obtain improvement in internment conditions of Americans from Guam.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.