340.1115A/3266: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

1461. American interests Hong Kong. Your 3258 May 28.30 Please endeavor to ascertain and report number of Filipinos actually receiving financial assistance, as well as number considered qualified to receive financial assistance under Department’s 249 of January 30, 960 of April 23 and 1292 of May 29 but not receiving financial assistance owing to attitude of Japanese authorities.31

  1. Not printed; for summary, see footnote 28, p. 1023.
  2. In telegram No. 4182, July 15, the Minister in Switzerland cited a report of the Swiss Legation in Japan that 166 Filipinos had applied for relief and that “Payment could be made to 77 but for Japanese prohibition payment funds Filipinos who are not American citizens.” (340.1115A/3282)