811.2367/11: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (Steinhardt)

680. Your 1362, August 5, midnight,32 and your 1388, August 8, 11 p.m.

[Here follows paragraph regarding problems of American newspaper correspondents in Turkey with respect to their home offices in the United States.]

With reference to question of release of the personnel, the War Department has suggested that you might use as a bargaining point the Turkish request for the training of a Turkish crew in the United States to operate a B–24 (your telegram No. 1303, July 30, 4 p.m.32). If you consider it would be helpful and are able to link in any way the two matters, the War Department authorizes you to promise the training of one crew in the United States.

It may be helpful in your negotiations to point out that whenever American planes land in Spanish territory, the crews are released within a very short time, usually after transfer to Madrid. Of the 91 American airmen, for instance, who had landed in Spanish Morocco and Tangier33 up to the last report (June 2), all had been released except one pilot who was awaiting favorable weather for his return to American-controlled territory. The Spanish authorities intern the planes, but the secret instruments are removed and promptly delivered uncompromised to the American Embassy at Madrid. Negotiations have been going on for some time for the purchase of certain of the planes by the Spanish Government, at production cost. No plane has been given to Spain.

The Department has every reason to hope that the Turkish Government certainly will be as cooperative as that of Spain. Mention need only be made of the Lend-Lease supplies being accorded Turkey, our action in presenting as an outright gift the four bombers which landed in Turkey last year, the generous facilities we have been according Turkey in the question of transportation for Turkish officers and their families between Turkey and the United States (much more liberal treatment than we accord American officials), the facilities we grant for training Turkish officers, et cetera.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. For correspondence regarding this subject, see pp. 729 ff.