662.6731/171: Telegram

The Ambassador in Turkey (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

742. Following is translation of communiqué just released by semiofficial Anatolian agency.

Agreements reached as result of economic negotiations which have taken place at Ankara during last few weeks between Germany and [Page 1127] Turkey were signed on 18th by Numan Menemencioglu and Burhan Zihni Sanus26 for Turkey and by von Papen27 and Clodius for Germany.

For purpose of assuring henceforth durable basis for economic and financial relations between two countries agreements concerning regulations of commercial exchanges and regulation of payments which have been concluded will remain in force with unlimited validity unless they are denounced by one of contracting parties within periods provided for by these agreements.

At same time value of goods to be exchanged up to May 31st, ’44, within framework of these agreements was fixed and an exchange of goods in each direction to value of 60 million Turkish pounds was agreed upon. Germany will furnish Turkey as before industrial products of special interest to Turkey while Turkish exports to Germany will include raw materials to purchase of which Germany attaches particular importance.

Negotiations were carried on in spirit of friendship and mutual understanding which have always characterized relations between [the] two countries. Agreements signed which are based essentially upon Turko-German Agreements of October 9, 1941, offer guarantee that commercial exchanges will continue to develop to advantage of both countries in accord with close economic ties which have always existed between their economic systems.

  1. Dr. Sanus was Director General of the Department of Commercial and Financial Agreements of the Turkish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Franz von Papen, German Ambassador in Turkey.