811.20 (D) Regulations/9688: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Mexico (Bursley)

A–1119. Your A–228, January 29, 1943, 11 a.m.73 relative to the putting into effect of the decentralized export control in Mexico.

The Department and the Board of Economic Warfare now understand that initial issuance of import recommendations has been postponed from February 15 to March 1 or later. It is hoped that full instructions will be transmitted to the Embassy in the near future in order to permit the decentralization to go into operation as of March 1 or shortly thereafter. These instructions will cover the specific points raised by the Embassy in its airgram under reference, with regard to the time schedule, the commodities covered, and the estimates of supply.

It is anticipated that the estimates for the second quarter in general will include those commodities for which estimates were transmitted covering the first quarter plus a majority of the other commodities regarding which the Embassy has submitted 1943 requirements reports but excluding most end products. In preparing these estimates care will be taken to separate the amounts of materials covered by war projects and a careful recheck is being made of existing projects and programs.

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The foregoing will be clarified in air mail instructions which are being drafted in reply to the Embassy’s despatches no. 6835 and no. 6901.74

  1. Not printed.
  2. Neither printed.