834.24/435: Airgram

The Chargé in Paraguay (Montgomery) to the Secretary of State

A–221. Reference is made to Department’s circular airgram of June 7, 1943, 6:10 p.m.,43 and Embassy’s Airgram A–202, June 23, [Page 270] 1943, 9:15 a.m.,46 regarding plan to issue export licenses in Washington for non-allocated materials without requirement of presentation of Import Recommendation, and the need which has arisen for telegraphic orders for merchandise so that sufficient tonnage backlog can be created immediately to take advantage of sudden windfalls in shipping.

The Department is informed that the Country Agency in cooperation with the Embassy during the last week has made public this announcement through the local radio and the three leading newspapers. In every one of the announcements it was clearly stated that telegraphic orders would be accepted only for non-allocated products and that this provision was of a temporary character and in no way indicated the discontinuance of the Decentralization Export Plan.

Importers were asked to consult with the Country Agency before telegraphing to ascertain whether or not the products they were ordering were under allocation. A few importers have already responded to the call, but because of Paraguay’s poor trade connections with the United States, and the relative slowness with which this country transacts its business, it is doubted that orders of this type will reach large proportions.

  1. Ante, p. 117.
  2. Not printed.