740.00112A European War 1939/11961f Suppl.: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic and Consular Officers in the American Republics2

Reference the section of the Department’s circular telegraphic instruction of May 25, 19423 concerning the inclusion of names in the Proclaimed List on the basis of Falange activities. In this telegram it was stated that with respect to Falange cases consideration should be given to local circumstances and recommendations generally confined to leaders and active members who are believed to be pro-Axis.

The danger of embarrassing this Government’s relations with Spain, which are of military importance, has necessarily been a factor in the consideration of Proclaimed List action against Falangists. This consideration may now, however, be regarded as of considerably reduced weight in view of the fact that the Spanish Foreign Minister4 recently informed the American Ambassador at Madrid5 that the Spanish Government has ordered the abandonment of all Falange activity in the western hemisphere.6 The Spanish Government has not, however, authorized a public announcement of its action in this respect and this information is therefore given for your confidential use in connection with Proclaimed List reporting.

Persons who are known to engage in pro-Axis activities or to express strongly pro-Axis sentiments should, of course, be recommended for inclusion in the Proclaimed List whether they are Falangists or not. In addition, where the local Falange organization is known to [Page 309] be assisting the Axis or actively promoting closer collaboration between Spain and the Axis, active membership in the Falange will be sufficient to warrant the person’s designation as an undesirable consignee and, where otherwise appropriate, inclusion in the Proclaimed List.

  1. Repeated as A-139, February 8, 1943, 6 p.m., to Madrid.
  2. Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. v, p. 290.
  3. Gen. Francisco Gomez Jordana y Sousa.
  4. Carlton J. H. Hayes.
  5. The Department was informed in telegram No. 179, January 24, 1943, 9 a.m., from Madrid, not printed. Initial notice about this action against the Falange was reported in telegram No. 1775, November 11, 1942, 5 p.m., from Madrid, not printed.