
The Chief of the Brazilian Military Commission (Lima) to the Liaison Officer of the Department of State (Wilson)

Dear Mr. Wilson: During a recent understanding between Mr. Kempter of the Lend-Lease Administration, and the Brazilian Military Commission, the latter was informed that a meeting will soon be held at the State Department between representatives of the War Production Board, the Board of Economic Warfare, the Lend-Lease Administration and your Department, for the purpose of discussing and working out a coordinated inter-agency plan for servicing the requirements of essential raw materials for the Brazilian Army Arsenals.35

It is indeed gratifying to me to know that something may soon be done to solve what, for such a long time, has been a problem of deep concern to this Commission, and I should like to personally thank you in advance for your interest, on behalf of my Government.

I hope that I may be permitted to remind you that under the overall defense program, developed early in 1941, for the military defense of Brazil, the contingent necessity of continued arsenals production of ammunition and materiel was deemed to be of imperative importance. However, due to irregular and insufficient deliveries of the necessary materials our carefully planned schedules of production have suffered severely. If the desired complete cooperative effort of my Government with the Allied nations is to be rendered possible it is very important that this flow of materials be resumed and maintained in accordance with the concept of the overall program.

I should also like to inform you that between my Government, the Brazilian Military Commission, and the Lend-Lease Administration it has been agreed that: (1) All requests for military materials to be furnished under Lend-Lease shall be submitted by the Brazilian Ministry of War to the Brazilian Military Commission which, in turn, shall submit requisitions directly to the Lend-Lease Administration. (2) That prior to submitting such requirements to the Brazilian Military Commission the Brazilian Ministry of War shall have previously examined the possibilities of procurement of the material from either domestic or other nearby sources.

With assurances that the Brazilian Military Commission will spare no effort to act always in a spirit of most frank and sincere cooperation, I am

Most sincerely yours

Stenio Lima
  1. For the Department’s reply, see letter of September 18, p. 638.