840.50/7–1844: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

5766. For Radius from Berle. Your 5667. Department approves your suggestion for amendment to Article VI, paragraph 4, line 2 of draft EITO agreement.

Department has been advised by British Embassy that HMG has approved the EITO report and proposals and suggests that as soon as possible the two Governments jointly ask the approval of the Soviet Government for prompt calling of a meeting with the other interested European powers and the prompt formation of the Interim Commission.

Department is advising the British Embassy that it approves in substance the report, draft agreement and draft directive, subject to the amendments suggested in our 5567 and 5632 as modified by your 5667.

Department believes that a meeting with the other interested governments should not be called before sufficient preliminary talks with the other interested governments, if possible with Soviet participation or at least approval, have been had in order to avoid the appearance of presenting them with a fait accompli. These conversations should begin as soon as possible after agreement has been reached on the proposed amendments, provided Soviet approval can be obtained, without awaiting further instructions from the Department. Possibly the governments in refuge are already sufficiently familiar with the proposal to make this unnecessary, but we have no record of this.

Harriman is being advised, and as soon as you can inform us of the reaching of an agreement on the proposed amendments he will be requested to act jointly with the British Ambassador in approaching the Soviet Government to attain the objectives proposed in the British Embassy’s letter. (Department understands from Embassy’s despatch 165539 that Embassy in Moscow has been furnished copies of report, draft agreement and draft directive.)

There will be forwarded to you for your information copy of British Embassy’s formal notification of British approval of EITO documents as well as the Department’s reply. [Berle.]

  1. Dated June 29, not printed.