
The Soviet Ambassador (Gromyko) to the Secretary of State


Your Excellency: In connection with the Conference of Allied Countries now being held in London on Internal European Transport, I am instructed by my Government to inform you as follows: The [Page 841] Polish Committee of National Liberation has approached the Government of the USSR with a declaration in which it draws attention to the circumstance that at the Conference which is studying a very important problem of the national economic life of the allied countries—the problem of transport, which directly and specifically concerns also Polish territory, the interests of Poland are not represented and are not protected. The participation in the Conference of representatives of the Polish émigré government, which has no connection whatsoever with Polish territory, cannot obviously be regarded in any sense as a representation safeguarding the interests of Poland. In view of this fact the Polish Committee of National Liberation requests the Soviet Government to inform the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States that the Polish Committee of National Liberation, which is functioning on Polish territory, insists that instead of the Polish émigré government the Polish National Committee be invited to participate in the Conference on Internal European Transport, and, that the Committee will appoint for that purpose its delegation.

The Soviet Government finds the request of the Polish Committee of National Liberation well founded and just.

The Soviet Government declares that without the participation of the Polish Committee of National Liberation in the Conference on Internal European Transport, it will not find it possible to take any further part in the work of the above mentioned Conference. A similar communication is being simultaneously conveyed to the British Government by the Ambassador of the USSR in London.

Accept [etc.]

A. Gromyko