740.00119 E.W./9–644: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

7412. Reurtel 7216 September 6.94 The United States Government expects to have political representation in Hungary, as well as in Rumania and Bulgaria, in the post-armistice period. An inter-Allied Control Commission, on which the United States will be represented, has already been agreed upon for Rumania. The adequacy of such machinery as it works out in practice in Rumania may have a bearing on the Department’s views when the question arises with respect to Hungary. In the meantime, when armistice terms for Hungary are discussed in the EAC, the Department sees no objection to the inclusion therein of provision for the appointment of an Allied Control Commission.

[Page 889]

With reference to your second inquiry, the Department believes that the procedure worked out with respect to participation of the smaller Allies in the handling of the Bulgarian armistice terms would be suitable in the case of the armistice with Hungary (ReDeptel 6866 August 26, 6998 August 30, 7123 September 2),95 the position of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia with respect to the Hungarian armistice being closely parallel to that of Greece and Yugoslavia with respect to the armistice for Bulgaria.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Ante, pp. 372, 382, and 391, respectively.