860H.01/763: Telegram

The Ambassador to the Yugoslav Government in Exile (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

Yugoslav Series 50. I learned confidentially last night from the British Ambassador that King Peter and Mr. Pouritch have been “invited” to London where they will be “talked to” and “given advice”. The Ambassador will accompany them and they will leave probably early next week.

This development coinciding with the release of the news of his son’s54 presence at Tito’s headquarters appears to indicate that Mr. Churchill’s pro-Tito policy has definitely triumphed over the Ambassador’s caution which in recent weeks has seemed to be influencing the Foreign Office. I asked the Ambassador whether it means that pressure will be put on the King to dismiss Mr. Pouritch and he replied “undoubtedly”.

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In this connection the Department will understand that Mr. Pouritch is exceedingly stubborn in his view that any abandonment of support of Michailovitch on the part of the Yugos[lav] Government would be a betrayal (see my Yugos 24 of February 5, 7 p.m.). Within the last few days he has reemphasized to me personally his determined feelings in this matter. Furthermore he appears to enjoy a considerable personal ascendency over the young King based on close association, character, and racial loyalty. The coming “talking to” may therefore of necessity present some aspects not unreminiscent of Hitlerite procedure with Satellite leaders.

  1. Maj. Randolph Churchill.