740.00119 EW 1939/8–2544: Telegram

The Chargé Near the Yugoslav Government in Exile (Shantz) to the Secretary of State

Yugos 136. Message from King Michael for Stirbey received by Cretzianu 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, 23rd, shortly before proclamation [Page 195] of break will [with] Axis, states that in view of decisive action which will take place in Rumania on Saturday August 26 he requests, in conformity with promise of General Wilson, a massive bombardment of numerous specified places in Rumania and Hungary.

This message, which was received here and sent to AFHQ Caserta yesterday, makes it appear that Rumanian break was planned for tomorrow and that events forced prior action.

De Chastelain87 and two Rumanian staff officers reached Ankara yesterday.

Repeated to Murphy as number 15 and to Moscow.

  1. British lieutenant colonel in Rumania.