740.00119 EW 1939/9–1044: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

3417. At a conference this afternoon between Molotov, the British Ambassador and myself, the final draft of armistice terms for Rumania was agreed to. The British Ambassador and I both stated our respective Governments’ positions regarding the naming of a fixed amount of reparation to be paid the Soviet Union. Molotov however unequivocally insisted on the inclusion of the fixed amount and the reparation article was thereupon agreed to in its latest form.

It was agreed that article VI of the protocol should be included in the armistice.

In spite of my strong presentation that “and particularly to the Soviet Union” be omitted, Molotov insisted on its inclusion on the grounds that the Soviet Union was specially concerned as a neighboring country.

The protocol has been left for consideration after I have received my instructions. Molotov expressed the belief that the protocol should be presented to the Rumanians before signing the armistice. I hope my instructions will arrive before tomorrow, Monday evening, Moscow time. The British have agreed to the protocol.

We met with the Rumanian Delegation this evening and formally presented to them the agreed proposals for the armistice. The Rumanians asked for 24 hours to give consideration to the terms and [Page 230] a meeting is arranged for tomorrow, Monday evening. The Rumanians were informed that there would be a protocol which would be submitted later.
