740.00112 European War 1939/9–744: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

7264. The following is the text of the note to be presented to the Swiss as discussed in our immediately preceding telegram:13

The rapid changes during recent weeks in the military situation, whereby Allied forces have reached the Swiss border and Germany’s blockade of Switzerland has been raised, have radically altered the economic position of Switzerland. H.M.G. and the U.S.G. feel that in these new circumstances they are justified in asking for a change in Switzerland’s economic policy towards the enemies of the United Nations. They note the decision of the Swiss Federal Council to give notice to the German Government under the escape clause of the latest Swiss-German trade agreement. However, they feel impelled to request the Swiss Government to prohibit at once all economic assistance to the United Nations’ enemies of immediate benefit to the latter’s war effort, including exports and transit traffic. In the light of the letter addressed to Professor Keller on August 14, they do not think this request will come as a surprise to the Swiss Government.
H.M.G. and U.S.G. realize that cessation forthwith of such trade with the enemy countries will cause certain difficulties to Swiss internal economy and, having regard also to traditional amicable relations which they have always enjoyed with the Swiss and to their [Page 769] warm appreciation of humanitarian and other valuable services rendered by the Swiss Government and people during the course of the present war, they are anxious to assist in mitigating those difficulties. With this object, they will be prepared to maintain Swiss food and fodder imports as fixed in the Agreement of December, 1943 up to the end of 1944 and to discuss with the Swiss Government Swiss requirements for additional supplies, following Swiss compliance with the requests outlined in paragraph 1.
Finally, the two Governments will be prepared, if the Swiss Government desires, to enter into discussions at an appropriate moment with the object of Swiss productive capacity being employed for the supply and rehabilitation of Europe.”

  1. Supra.