870.01 A.M.G./76

The Ambassador to the Greek Government in Exile (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

No. 133

Sir: With reference to my despatch No. 130 of June 5, 1944,87 reporting a second informal meeting called by Major General Hughes88 in regard to the progress of the work of the Allied Military Headquarters, Balkans, I now have the honor to transmit a copy of a draft of a note89 prepared by the British Embassy, designed to serve as the basis of an “agreed statement of the views of the Royal Hellenic Government and the British Government in regard to the functions and activities of the Allied Military Liaison forces in Greek territory and such matters as jurisdiction over Allied military and attached civilian personnel”. I am informed that the negotiations in regard to this proposed agreement are still in a preliminary stage and that while the enclosed draft may be said to represent the attitude of the British Foreign Office, the comments of General Hughes thereon have apparently not yet been formulated, nor have the views of the American military membership of A.M.H.Q. been sought.

It may be noted that the negotiation of an agreement of this nature with the Greek Government was under consideration by the ATB committee90 last October and that the matter was at that time referred by the ATB committee to the Middle East Defense Committee for consideration. It appears, however, that with the Allied loss of the Aegean Islands, the temporary liberation of which had made the conclusion of such an agreement urgent, further action in this connection was suspended for the time being.

In the discussions on that occasion it was made clear that the British regard this matter as one of high policy and the question accordingly arises whether, for that reason and in view of the American participation in the operations contemplated, the American Government should not become a party to any arrangement agreed to. The Embassy is not aware of the nature or manner of conclusion of the similar agreements which have in the meantime been concluded with the Norwegian and other Governments, but an expression of the Department’s views as to the extent to which it may, by analogy with those previous instances, desire the Embassy to participate in the present Greek negotiations will be appreciated.

Respectfully yours,

Lincoln MacVeagh
  1. Not printed.
  2. Ivor T. P. Hughes, General Officer Commanding British Liaison Headquarters, Greece.
  3. Draft of note not printed.
  4. The Administration of Territory (Balkans) Committee.