800.20281/7–244: Telegram

The Chargé at Tangier (Childs) to the Secretary of State

190. My despatch 2181, June 29 and 2145, June 15.80 Gascoigne presented note to High Commissioner yesterday requesting he expedite departure not only of 10 German agents Orgaz had promised should leave Morocco today of whom only Richter and Krueger have left but also the 6 others whose investigation by Spanish authorities has been proceeding for some 6 weeks.

My British colleague informed me today Foreign Office telegraphed Embassy Madrid expressing increasing dissatisfaction with execution of Anglo-Spanish agreement of May 2 and instructing Ambassador to insist on expulsion of all German agents in Spanish Morocco notified to Spanish authorities numbering 39. Of these, 3 had left before presentation of list and only 2 since.

I have had no reply to my note regarding Italian Axis agents and I am renewing request for action.

To Department. Repeated to Madrid, by pouch to Algiers.

  1. Neither printed.