893.20211/8–1244: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

1391. Central Police Academy [at] Chungking is controlled by Interior Ministry, whereas Tai Li’s Special Service is under Military Affairs Commission. Dean of Central Police Academy assures Academy has no connection with Tai’s organ and seven graduates despatched by Academy to United States not affiliated with Tai or his organ. Dean states these officers are to learn United States scientific police methods, and on return will be used in police indoctrination and as instructors, and only purpose in going is to study. He emphasized he wished Chinese officers [to] study police methods [of] democratic countries and said police officers may be sent England and Russia in future for study. ReDeptel 827, June 14.

On basis its investigation and in absence of evidence to contrary, Embassy inclined to feel this dispatch of officers to United States represents genuine attempt to absorb modern American police methods and raise Chinese police standards; that these [there] is little likelihood they will be used to spy on or terrorize Chinese in United States; that it is open question whether they will come under Tai’s control or [on?] return to China; that dispatch Chinese police officers to United States and other countries for study will contribute to improvement of Chinese police administration; and that we should cooperate in this work.

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