837.6363/8–3044: Airgram

The Chargé in Cuba (Nufer) to the Secretary of State


A–1917. For Rayner,83 Petroleum Division, from Webb.84 Aided by excellent cooperation on the part of the Embassy, discussions have taken place during my visit with the local rationing authorities and the local pool committee, of the principal pending petroleum questions. The outcome of these discussions is given below and is concurred in by the Embassy here.

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[Page 971]

The position of the Cumex in the pool was fully discussed with other pool members and with the ORPA, It is felt that all parties have an accurate understanding of their respective rights and obligations and since the recent gas-oil importation by Cumex is expected shortly to be acquired by the other pool members, there are no pending sources of difficulty between this company and the other pool members and there is reason to expect that there will be no further difficulties in the future of a serious nature.

It is apparent that the Embassy, local pool and local rationing authorities work closely and harmoniously in connection with petroleum product problems. The sales position in comparison with allotments in the various essential and national categories is very good, the recent additional gas-oil allotment having removed the last case of over-consumption in the national categories. A few suggestions of a minor nature were made, looking towards even closer cooperation between the pool and the Embassy.

Am leaving today for Merida and Guatemala as per schedule. [Webb.]

  1. Charles B. Rayner, Adviser on Petroleum Policy in the Office of Economic Affairs.
  2. Leslie A. Webb, of the Petroleum Division.