Pauley Files

No. 374
The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations (Pauley) to the Chairman of the Allied Commission on Reparations (Maisky)1

Dear Mr. Maisky: In as much as I intend to depart for Berlin along with a few of my staff for the meeting of The Big Three, I feel that it is extremely urgent that we resolve all the matters contained in my letter of July 3rd2 for a final decision by the heads of our respective governments.

The specific questions raised and the status of each is as follows:

The percentage formula for the division of reparations as between the three governments has been thoroughly discussed and it is my understanding that we are not far from agreement.
The principles and procedures whereby the percentages of other claimant nations may be determined have been discussed and it is my understanding that we are near agreement.
  • (a) I believe we have agreed upon a definition of “restitution.”
  • (b) The definition of “war booty” has not been discussed and we have been awaiting the definition which you agreed to submit to the Steering Committee. In the interest of time I have prepared and herewith submit for your consideration such a definition.3
  • (c) The interim reparation plan is still subject to discussion but I understand that you share my views on this subject.

Since Sir Walter Monckton has informed me that he has waived the last remaining objection to Principle No. 4,4 I take it we are all in agreement upon the eight principles which shall be the basis of the reparations plan.

Though we are near agreement upon the subject matter of all of the above points advanced in my letter of July 3rd, the time before [Page 537] our contemplated departure for Berlin is running so short that I have grave concern that our work will not be completed to the point where it may be properly submitted to the heads of our governments. I trust therefore that you will spare no effort either to reach agreement upon all of these points before the Big Three Conference or prepare ourselves specifically to state our differences for presentation at this Conference.

Especially do I request that you give me as early as possible your reaction to the definition of “war booty” which I enclose herewith.

Sincerely yours,

[ Edwin W. Pauley ]
  1. Printed from an unsigned carbon copy.
  2. Document No. 364.
  3. See appendix G to document No. 376.
  4. See document No. 367.