740.00119 EAC/7–745: Telegram

No. 407
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Acting Secretary of State
us urgent

6856. At July 6 meeting EAC agreed preamble to agreement French zone in Germany. …

Sent Dept as 6856, Comea 324; rptd Murphy as 20 from Winant.

July 6 EAC approved text of report to accompany agreement on French zone except final sentence. …

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Dispute[d] final sentence of report follows: “The Commission recommends that the four govts instruct their respective Commanders in Chief in Germany acting jointly to determine the area in ‘greater Berlin’ to be assigned to occupation by forces of the French Republic”[.] July 6, US, UK and French delegations approved final sentence. Soviet rep pressed for its omission.

Gousev insisted that the Crimea decision that the French zone in Germany be formed out of the US and UK zones means that French area in Berlin must also be formed out of US and UK areas. Gousev stated determination French area in Berlin is matter for US, UK and French Commanders not for Soviet Commander.

I stated that Crimea decision contains no provision of this nature re Berlin and that on behalf of my Govt I reject any attempt to extend Crimea decision by implication to read this meaning into it. I stated any such extension of meaning of Crimea decision was a matter requiring further and specific agreement between govts and [Page 599] that I had no instructions to accept such an extension or interpretation of the Crimea decision.

UK rep1 stated that UK, US and Soviet should all contribute to provide a French area in Berlin. I stated that I could have no view re whether it would be found by four commanders on spot more convenient to form French area out of two or three of present areas and that this decision could best be made by the four commanders with full knowledge and responsibility in Berlin.

July 6 meeting unable complete agreement French zone Germany because of this deadlock. At close meeting Soviet rep still insisted on omission final sentence report.

Dept will have noted article 7 of agreement (my tel 67762) provides for inclusion France among powers occupying Berlin and for creation of a fourth area of occupation in Berlin. Presumably omission of last sentence of report would leave open question whether three or four commanders would participate in defining French area and whether the French area would be formed out of two or three of present areas. Next EAC meeting July 9.

  1. Sir Ronald I. Campbell.
  2. Not printed.