Leahy Papers: Telegram

No. 77
The Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force (Eisenhower) to the Commanding General, United States Military Mission in the Soviet Union (Deane)

top secret

Ref no S 91539 top secret to Military Mission to Moscow for Deane for his eyes only repeat for information to AGWar for Marshall for his eyes only from ETOUSA Fwd sgd Eisenhower.

Reference your MX 24720 of 18 June.1

In view brief time remaining before meeting of President Truman with Marshal Stalin, it is imperative that the reconnaissance group proceed to Berlin at once to survey facilities available locally for his accommodation and that of his party so as to assemble and move necessary men and supplementary equipment to Berlin and complete essential preparations by mid July. This cannot be postponed until return of Marshal Zhukov to Berlin on 28 June. Arrangements for a meeting of this magnitude cannot be made in two weeks time.

Absolutely necessary that General Parks and reconnaissance party of approximately 50 officers, 175 enlisted men and 50 vehicles with necessary transport aircraft go to Berlin tomorrow and be shown United States sector by Soviet Commander acting in Marshal Zhukov’s absence. Based on Parks’ reconnaissance the necessary troops and material to install communications, messes, quarters and other facilities must be sent to Berlin as and when determined necessary by Parks.

Continuing unrestricted running rights on Autobahn Dessau Berlin for vehicles and Air Way Halle Berlin for transport aircraft will be required effective tomorrow. This is a matter of urgency and agreement must be reached at once if target date for big three meeting is to be met.

Conference with Marshal Zhukov or his senior staff officers is not necessary for such administrative details and formal meeting with the Marshal can be deferred until 28th or 29th June as Antonov suggests.

  1. Not printed.