Truman Papers

United States Delegation Working Paper1

Suggested AgendaMeeting of Heads of Governments August 1, 1945

1. German Reparations.

The subcommittee will present its report on this subject.

2. German Economic Principles.

The Economic Subcommittee has presented the report on this subject, as well as on two immediately following points.

3. German External Assets.

4. Oil Supplies for Western Europe.

5. Use of Allied Property for Satellite Reparations orWar Trophies.”

A subcommittee was appointed by the Foreign Ministers this morning to consider this subject.

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6. War Crimes.

The question of whether or not certain prominent war criminals be designated by name remains unsettled.

7. Procedures of the Allied Control Commissions in Rumania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

The Foreign Ministers reached substantial agreement on this subject this morning and a subcommittee was named to prepare a final draft.

8. Disposition of the German Fleet and Merchant Marine.

The subcommittee on this subject reported to the Foreign Ministers this afternoon.

9. Facilities for Representatives of the Allied Radio.

The U. S. Secretary of State proposed to the Foreign Ministers this afternoon that reference be made in the papers on “the Polish Question” and “Admission to the United Nations” to representatives of the Allied radio as well as to representatives of the Allied press. No decision could be reached by the Foreign Ministers and it was agreed that the Heads of Governments should be so advised.

  1. This is the time given on the cover sheet of the Thompson minutes. The Log (ante, p. 24) indicates that the meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.