740.00119 (Potsdam)/8–245

No. 728
United States Delegation Working Paper1


The three Governments consider that the time has come to terminate the present anomalous position of Italy. Italy was the first of the Axis Powers to break with Germany, to whose defeat she has made a material contribution. She has freed herself from the Fascist regime and is making good progress towards the re-establishment of a democratic government and institutions. She gives promise of becoming a firm supporter of a policy of peace and resistance to aggression.

The three Governments have therefore resolved that very early steps should be taken to conclude a peace treaty with Italy and have included the preparation of this [treaty] among the immediate important tasks to be undertaken by the new Council of Foreign Ministers.2 The conclusion of such a peace treaty will make it possible for the three Governments to fulfill their desire to support an application from Italy for membership of the United Nations Organisation.

  1. Authorship not indicated. This appears to be a draft prepared between the submission of document No. 1092 on July 21 and the preparation of document No. 729.
  2. See document No. 713.