Department of the Army Files

No. 958
The President to the Commanding General, United States Forces, European Theater (Eisenhower)1

Memorandum to General Eisenhower

Re: Removal of Property from the Russian Occupied Zone by the American Armies.

I am enclosing you an informal translation from Russian of a report by Marshal Zhukov to Generalissimo Stalin.2 I would appreciate it very much if you would investigate these charges and report to me.3

Sincerely yours,

Harry S. Truman
  1. Printed from a copy subsequently typed in the Department of the Army. This memorandum was referred to by Truman in the course of the Eleventh Plenary Meeting, July 31. See ante, p. 516.
  2. Attachment 2 to document No. 951.
  3. No reply was received from Eisenhower during the Conference. Cf. document No. 951.