EUR Files

The Executive Director of the War Refugee Board (Pehle) to the Secretary of State

I have noticed in the press that you are to participate in the forthcoming international conference. Recently, the War Refugee Board has received several urgent requests from Jewish organizations in this country for the issuance of a United Nations’ warning to the German Government and the German people against further extermination and other forms of persecution of Jews in Germany and German-occupied territory. It occurs to me that, if you find it feasible to do so, this matter might be raised by you at the conference.

As you know, we have never been able to get the Russians to join us in any of our past statements, other than the Moscow Statement on Atrocities issued on November 1, 1943. It is my feeling that if a new warning to the Germans were issued by President Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill and Marshal Stalin, it might have a marked effect, particularly at this stage of the war.

For your convenience, alternative drafts of such a warning are attached.

J. W. Pehle
[Attachment 1]

Draft A

A declaration released by us on November 1, 1943, has warned Germans and their remaining satellites against continuing their ruthless campaign of atrocities, massacres, and mass-executions. Since that time, new evidence has been discovered in territories liberated by the United Nations, indicating that these cruelties are being continued. In liberated United Nations territory—in the Soviet Union, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia, in Yugoslavia, in Greece, in Norway, in the Netherlands, in Belgium, in Luxemburg, and in France, as well as in the territories of Germany’s former allies—in Italy, in Hungary, in Bulgaria, and in Rumania, evidence has been piling up of brutal treatment and barbarous murder of nationals of the United Nations and of Jews of whatever nationality. There are indications that German troops and officials, previous to retreating, prepare to exterminate large numbers of local inhabitants and of Jewish deportees and internees in the territories still occupied by Germany, and that they prepare to extend this policy of mass-extermination to foreign deportees and to Jews of whatever nationality within German territory.

In the face of this evidence and of these indications, we consider it our solemn duty once more to issue this solemn warning that all participants in this savage scheme of mass-murder, whether they are [Page 413] in high station or in low, will be fully and promptly punished. All those who share the guilt will share the punishment. Once more we repeat: Let those who have hitherto not imbrued their hands with innocent blood beware lest they join the ranks of the guilty, for most assuredly the three allied Powers will pursue them to the uttermost ends of the earth and will deliver them to their accusers in order that justice may be done. Our common determination to see justice accomplished is and will be supported by the full strength of our military might and the will of an aroused mankind.

[Attachment 2]

Draft B

Despite the protests of the whole civilized world, the Nazis, in their hour of defeat, apparently are preparing to complete in frenzied hatred the systematic mass murder of the Jews regardless of nationality and other groups in German and German-occupied territory. We, in the hour of victory, again call upon the German Government and the German people to cease these acts of unspeakable savagery.

Let the Germans and their collaborators understand that all participants in this program of persecution and death shall receive full and prompt punishment; that all who share the guilt shall share the punishment. Let them know that this warning is supported by the determination and the full military might of outraged and victorious peoples.