Hiss Collection

United States Delegation Draft Invitation to the United Nations Conference1


The Government of the United States of America, on behalf of itself and of the Governments of the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Republic of China and of the Provisional Government of the French Republic, invites the Government of ——— to send representatives to a Conference of the United Nations to be held on April 25 or soon thereafter, at ——— in the United States of America to prepare a Charter for a General International Organization for the maintenance of international peace and security.

The above named governments suggest that the Conference consider as affording a basis for such a Charter the Proposals for the Establishment of a General International Organization, a copy of which was transmitted to you for your information on October 9, 1944 which were made public last October and which have now been supplemented by the following provisions for Section C of Chapter VI: Insert

[The above named governments have agreed that it would, in their opinion, be desirable that consideration be given at the forthcoming Conference to the inclusion in the projected Charter of provisions relating to International territorial trusteeships & dependent areas. They hope to be able to prepare and place before the Conference proposals relating to this ese subjects.]2

Further information as to the exact site of the Conference and as to arrangements will be transmitted subsequently.

In the event that the Government of ——— desires in advance of the Conference to present views or comments concerning the proposals, the Government of the United States of America will be pleased to transmit such views and comments to the other participating Governments.

  1. The source text is a carbon copy which, as typed, is of the same wording as the “Draft Invitation” attached to the memorandum of Pasvolsky of January 23, 1945 (see ante, p. 82, footnote 5). Marked “old” in the upper right-hand corner, this paper is presumably a copy of the “former draft” to which Stettinius referred ante, p. 810. The penciled modifications and insertions, which are in the handwriting of Alger Hiss and which are here printed in canceled type and in italics, presumably reflect the work of the subcommittee of which he was a member (see ante, p. 738, and infra). The modifications and insertions indicated by Hiss were incorporated in the text as presented by Stettinius, supra.
  2. The brackets appear in pencil in the source text.