Matthews Files

United States Delegation Memorandum on the Soviet Proposal for the Final Paragraph of the Formula on Poland1

Mr. Molotov’s latest draft proposal for the end of the last sentence of the Polish formula:

“...2 the Government of the USSR, which now maintains diplomatic relations with the present Provisional Government of Poland and the Governments of Great Britain and the United States will establish diplomatic relations with the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.” and will exchange Ambas. by whose reports the respect. Govts. will be kept informed about the situation in Poland.3

  1. This undated carbon copy reflects the proposal that Molotov made evidently after the meeting of the Foreign Ministers on February 10, 1945. It was apparently accepted by Stettinius and Eden, since it was incorporated into Eden’s report to the Plenary Meeting that afternoon (post, p. 898).
  2. Points appear in the original.
  3. The last clause (printed in italics) was added in Matthews’ handwriting.