740.00119 Council/10–145

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Acting Secretary of State

10182. Delsec 85. For Clayton from the Secretary. ReDeptel 8245, Sept 20. The subject of restitution has been discussed in detail by the Council and by the Deputies.96 Agreement has been reached that the matter should be examined by the Control Council for Germany. The French have proposed that the Control Council be directed to make a determination of the property to be restored and to complete deliveries within a period of 2 years as in the reparations agreement. The Soviets have blocked every attempt to work out a formula under which the Control Council would be directed to take any form of action or any time would be fixed within which action should be taken.

Under the circumstances I believe we should proceed immediately with the directive from General Clay which is proposed in your telegram under reference. I also desire that the Department work out for prompt submission to the Control Council for Germany a proposal for a definite settlement of the restitution question. Similar proposals should be made with respect to restitution from Austria. [Byrnes.]

  1. For documentation, see vol. ii , entries in index under Council of Foreign Ministers: Reparations from Germany.