740.00119 Council/10–245

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

8821. For Reinstein. Following are Department’s comments on notes and memorandum to potential reparation claimants as given urtel 10246 (Delsec95).25a

Department believes it would be highly desirable to attach to Note No. 1 a list of the 29 plants (16 in American zone and 13 in [Page 1332] British zone) which have already been listed as available for reparation delivery by zone commanders. This list would give claimant countries some idea of equipment that is available, and would help to expedite interim deliveries. Attachment of this list would require some obvious changes in Note No. 1, including statement to the effect that it is hoped that additional lists will be available in the near future. List under reference should be in possession of British and of US Embassy in London.
Following comments relate to memorandum on Inter-Allied Reparation Agency accompanying notes.
In Section (2) (d) we are puzzled by expression “equitable application of the plan as between the different member governments in so far as this is not a matter for the Control Council to decide.” No “Plan” is previously mentioned in the memorandum and meaning of the term is very vague. This Section should either be made unambiguous or omitted.
In Sections (4) and (5) when referring to method of voting, did you intend to say decisions should be reached by majority yote? As text now stands, impossible to tell whether decisions will be reached by majority vote or will require unanimity. However, if this question has been intentionally left vague, Department agrees to present wording.
In Section (4) second sentence should read: “In case of objection by any member of the Agency or in case two or more countries desire to receive the same material, (etc.) …”26
In Section (5) did you not intend to use the word “Agency” rather than the word “Committee”?

In other respects texts of notes and memorandum are satisfactory. In fixing date of simultaneous presentation please try to have at least three working days allowed for preparation of copies, etc. Sent to London. Repeated to USPolAd for Clay as 614.

  1. Dated October 2, p. 1321.
  2. Omission indicated in the original telegram.