740.00119 EW/12–1345: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)

5885. For Angell 103. Reurtel 7161 of December 13 from Angell no. 148. Department does not agree inclusion victims of persecution other Fascist countries than Germany.

Department does not agree inclusion of veto power by formerly occupied countries to prevent aid to particular victims of Nazi persecution from formerly occupied countries. Veto power defeated in UNRRA.67 Unwilling to have raised again.

[Page 1473]

Department insistent aid for victims of Nazi persecution be at least 25 million plus non-monetary gold (more if possible as by adding percentage of all assets in excess of claims received from United Nations not entitled to reparation) to be distributed true victims of Nazi persecution who are unwilling to remain or return to former domicile.

You are authorized to withdraw US proposal if suggestion is made by some other country that deadlock is unbreakable but should not take initiative in withdrawing.


[For documentation concerning discussion of reparations from Germany at the Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Moscow, December 16–26, 1945, see volume II, pages 703 and 714.]

  1. For text of UNRRA resolution 71 concerning functions of the administration with respect to displaced persons, see George Woodbridge, UNRRA: The History of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 3 vols. (New York, Columbia University Press, 1950), vol. ii, p. 142; for discussion on the adoption of this resolution, see ibid., pp. 486–487. For documentation pertaining to the United States attitude on UNRRA’s handling of displaced persons, see Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. ii, pp. 9581022, passim.