Department of the Army Files

Minutes of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Air Directorate, Held at Berlin, December 8, 1945



Members Present

Major General R. W. Harper (Chairman) U.S.A.
Air Marshal H. E. P. Wigglesworth Gr. Br.
General de Brigade J. Guyot France
Lt. Gen. of Avn. T. F. Kutzevalov U.S.S.R.

Others Present

U.S.A. Great Britain
Colonel H. Moore Air V/Marshal A. P. Davidson
Colonel Hobbs GP/Captain H. P. Broad
Lt. Col. Siebenaler Wing Commander J. Hurry
Maj. A. I. Lavrow (Ink R) F/Lieut. Rawlinson (Int. R)
Capt. A. N. Bebenin (Int. R) F/Officer Pertschuk (Int. F)
Lt. W. M. Stack (Int. F)
France U.S.S.R.
Colonel E. M. Bizard Major Gen. of Avn. S. K. Kovalev
S/Lieut D. Berdonneau (Int. E) Lt. E. V. Bondarev (Int. F)
Asp. O. Tararine (Int. R) Jr. Lt. Sachkov (Int. E)
Jr. Lt. Mirkind (Int. F)


Colonel C. J. Martin U.S.A.
Lt. Col. J. J. LaRoche U.S.A.
W/Cdr. C. D. Connerton Gr. Br.
S/Ldr. J. W. Chubb Gr. Br.
S/O C. M. A. Briggs Gr. Br.
Lt. Col. P. A. Bloch France
Lt. Col. J. I. Chernikov U.S.S.R.
Major N. P. Brailovsky U.S.S.R.

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136. Report of Decision by Coordinating Committee on Air Corridors (CORC/P(45)170–(CONL/M(45)13–Conclusion 110).

The Directorate took note of the decisions of Control Council in CONL/M(45)13.

The Chairman expressed the opinion that action should be taken as soon as possible to place the approved corridors into operation, to coordinate the airways system in Germany, and also to fulfill the request by the Soviet authorities. All members of the Directorate agreed with this opinion.

In the course of a lengthy discussion it was established that the question of rules of the air for the approved air corridors, and the question of the Soviet request for certain facilities at airfields along the approved corridors were problems of equal importance.

All members of the Directorate agreed that both of these problems are of such an urgent nature that there must be a minimum of delay in implementing the decisions of the Control Council.

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The Chairman, summarizing the exchange of views, pointed out that the two requirements would be considered as separate problems and that the Committee on Aviation would be instructed to begin work immediately on both of the problems.


The Air Directorate decided:

(136)a—to note the decisions of the Control Council and to comply therewith.

b—to instruct the Committee on Aviation to prepare for submission at the next meeting of the Air Directorate the rules of flight and requirements for navigational aids for airplanes using the approved corridors.

c—to instruct the Committee on Aviation to prepare for submission at the next meeting of the Air Directorate concrete proposals for the Soviet servicing parties at airfields in the Western Zones.

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Robert W. Harper

Major General, U.S.A., Chairman
H. E. P. Wigglesworth

Air Marshal, Great Britain
X. De Sevin

General de Division, France
T. F. Kutzevalov

Lt. Gen. of Avn., U.S.S.R.