USPolAd: Berlin Files: 800 Germany—General

Mr. Loyd V. Steere, Counselor of Mission, Office of the United States Political Adviser for Germany, to Mr. Christopher Steel, Political Adviser, British Element, Control Commission for Germany

My Dear Steel: About a fortnight ago I told you, in regard to your inquiry of the seventeenth of November, addressed to Heath,84 that the consideration being given to land reform in the American Zone did not involve any plans for breaking up estates into small parcels characteristic of the Russian land reform measures.85

Our land reform plans were very much in a state of flux at the time I spoke to you—and still are—but, I think, that I am warranted in telling you that our present thinking is in the direction of putting the problem largely in the hands of the appropriate German authorities for the working out of measures which would be subject to Military Government approval.

If there is any change and any more definite progress is made, I shall be glad to inform you.

Sincerely yours,

Loyd V. Steere
  1. Note not printed.
  2. For pertinent documentation, see section entitled: “Concern of the United States with developments within the Soviet Zone of Occupation in Germany; quadripartite control of Berlin,” pp. 1033 ff. passim.