812.79600/1–245: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith)

12. Personal for the Ambassador. In the month of December 1944, the Commander, Western Sea Frontier, U.S. Navy, established an armed observation party and weather reporting station at Clipperton Island. This action was taken as a matter of military urgency concurrently with an increase in Japanese operations in waters of the Western Sea Frontier. The United States Navy notified the French Naval Mission in Washington informally of the establishment of this station.

Please get in touch with the Mexican authorities, preferably with President Camacho, at the earliest possible moment and inform them of the establishment of this station. You should inform the Mexican authorities that this aerological station has been provided with armament in view of possible Japanese raids and that any proposed visits of vessels or aircraft to the island should be taken up in advance of departure with the Commander, Western Sea Frontier, U.S. Navy, San Francisco in order that there may be no possibility of incidents resulting from mistaken identity.

In view of the fact that a British plane has been at Acapulco for some time in connection with a survey which was at one time contemplated by the British authorities of a possible air route via Clipperton, we think it might be desirable for you to suggest to President Camacho or to whatever Mexican official you discuss the matter with that it might be well for a special notification in this regard to be sent at an early date to the Mexican authorities in Acapulco who would clear vessels or planes departing for Clipperton.
